Miss Josephine

Josephine Grace was born on June 28th.
She weighed 9 lb 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long at birth

Read her birth story here.

Read more about her here.

Six years old

5 1/2 years old

Five years old

4 1/2 years old

Four years old
3 1/2 years old

Three years old

2 1/2 years old

Two years

17 months, sharing the spotlight with her mommy for once!

One year

Eleven Months

Ten Months

Nine Months

Eight Months

Seven months

Six months

Five months
Four months

Three months

Two months

One month
Three weeks

Two weeks

1st week!

40 weeks

38 weeks

36 weeks

34 weeks
32 weeks
27 weeks

23 weeks

20 weeks

18 weeks